Loella d.o.o. undertakes to provide protection to customers personal data in such a way that it collects only the necessary, basic data about buyers/users that are necessary for the fulfillment of our obligations, informs buyers about the method of use of the collected data, regularly gives buyers the option of choosing the use of their data, including the option of deciding whether or not they want to remove their name from lists used for marketing purposes.

All user data is strictly kept and is available only to employees who need this data to perform their work. All employees of Loella d.o.o. and business partners are responsible for respecting the principles of privacy protection.


Loella d.o.o. undertakes to provide protection to customers personal data in such a way that it collects only the necessary, basic data about buyers/users that are necessary for the fulfillment of our obligations, informs buyers about the method of use of the collected data, regularly gives buyers the option of choosing the use of their data, including the option of deciding whether or not they want to remove their name from lists used for marketing purposes.

Loella d.o.o. is not responsible for possible damage to the computer caused by downloading files from this website or from websites that users reach via link from this website.

Any changes to the privacy policy will be posted on this page in a timely manner or made available to users in another appropriate way.

Loella d.o.o. will not deliver or disclose the buyer's personal data to a third party, except in cases where it is expressly prescribed by law and in cases where it is necessary to fulfill legal obligations. All customer data is strictly kept and is available only to employees who need this data to perform their work. All employees of Loella d.o.o. and business partners are responsible for respecting the principles of protecting the privacy of their users and customers.

Loella d.o.o. undertakes to provide protection to buyers' personal data in such a way that it processes only basic data that is necessary for the fulfillment of obligations/orders, which are listed.

Loella d.o.o. has the right to use data that are automatically recorded by accessing the website and are not personal data (types of search engines, number of visits, time spent on the pages, etc.) exclusively for the purpose of evaluating website traffic and improving its content and functionality, and does not include any form of personal data.

In the event of a change in any of the personal data recorded during registration, the customer is obliged to inform Loella d.o.o. about the change. In case of unreported changes to entered data, Loella d.o.o. is not responsible for any defects regarding the order or product delivery.


Ways of processing basic personal data

Directly by the users themselves, i.e. buyers in the process of ordering products or establishing contact through the mentioned contact forms on our website, and for the purpose of providing timely and quality service and/or feedback about the product and special offers to users who have expressed interest in our products.

Purpose of processing basic personal data:

- fulfillment of contractual obligations

- delivery of the ordered products, consultation and assistance when using the ordered products, resolution

- user complaints and other actions related to the conclusion and performance of contractual obligations in accordance with relevant regulations.

- fulfilling legal obligations

- direct promotion: to users who have expressed interest and given consent for marketing communication and promotion to existing customers for the purpose of maintaining product quality and providing timely information about special conditions and current promotions - with the aim that the user could receive accurate and precise information that corresponds to his wishes by visiting the website

- internal purposes: the company Loella d.o.o. uses the specified basic personal data exclusively for the purpose of its own records, and for the purpose of protecting users and customers and maintaining the quality of service and product quality.


Data of potential buyers - users

The company Loella d.o.o. processes data on potential buyers, with the purpose of informing them in a timely and accurate manner, with their consent, about current special offers and promotions, exclusively for products for which potential customers have expressed interest. For this purpose, we only process basic personal data (name and surname, contact phone number, contact e-mail, and the product for which interest has been expressed) and the data necessary to carry out the purchase in the case of payment by card, namely the type of card, card number, card expiration month , year of card expiration, control number (CVV), IP address and, in the case of a return, the necessary data to implement the return and complaint, namely order date, order code, payment method, item name, date of complaint, reason for complaint, description of complaint.


Temporal storage and processing of basic personal data

The basic personal data of buyers are kept during the entire period of use of our products, until the moment when the buyer expressly and clearly states that he is no longer a user of our products or expresses the right to be forgotten.

The basic personal data of potential buyers or users are kept for 3 months from the moment of processing the mentioned basic personal data, or shorter if the user expresses the right to be forgotten sooner.

Privacy rights that you have

The company respects that every user should be able to ensure the accuracy, completeness and updating of their personal data. If you believe that your personal data is incomplete, incorrect or not updated, you can contact the Company by sending an email to [email protected].

Please note that you have the right to request the following from the Company at any time:

1. Access to your personal data

You have the right to ask us for confirmation as to whether and which personal data we are processing, as well as access to your personal data that we are processing. You have the right to know the purpose of the processing, which categories of your personal data we keep, the bodies or categories of bodies with which we share your personal data, the data retention period, as well as the source of the data in case the data is collected indirectly. You can exercise the same right by sending your request to [email protected] and stating "Respondent request" as the subject of the message. Upon receipt of the message, we will send you a confirmation of proper receipt of your request.

2. Correction and addition of incorrect personal data

We want your personal information to be accurate and up-to-date. You can ask us to correct or remove information that you think is inaccurate or out of date. You can exercise the same right by sending your request to [email protected] and stating "Respondent request" as the subject of the message. Upon receipt of the message, we will send you a confirmation of proper receipt of your request.

3. Deleting personal data

You can ask the Company to stop processing or even delete your personal data. If we need your personal data to perform some contractual obligation towards you, the Company may cease to be able to perform such contractual obligations. Also, if your personal data is required to fulfill certain legal obligations (eg tax obligations), your request may not be fulfilled.

4. Limiting access to your data (to us and/or third parties) in certain processes or completely

If you want to dispute the accuracy of the data, or we no longer need personal data for the purpose of processing, but you need them for the establishment, execution or processing of legal requirements, or you objected to the processing on a basis that we consider legitimate, you have the right to request the restriction of the processing of personal data.

5. Objection against the processing or handling of your personal data

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data as well as to our way of handling your personal data in general. You can exercise your right by sending your request to [email protected] and stating "Respondent's request" as the title of the message. Upon receipt of the message, we will send you a confirmation of proper receipt of your request.

6. The right to file a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Agency

If you are not satisfied with the way we have collected or used your personal data, you can file a formal complaint with the Personal Data Protection Agency.



The above-mentioned provisions on the protection of personal data refer exclusively to the home page under and not to external pages to which links on the domain refer, for which is neither amanable nor responsible and for which website does not collect or process user data.

Except in the case of an electronic order, in other cases Loella d.o.o. will not send electronic messages to the customer unless the customer has expressly agreed to it, i.e. has given his consent.



In order for our website to work properly, for us to be able to make further improvements to the site, in order to improve your user experience and quality of service, this site must save a small amount of information (Cookies) on your computer. Over 90% of all websites use this practice, but according to the regulations of the European Union from May 25, 2018. we are obliged to ask for your consent before saving cookies. By using the website, you agree to the use of cookies. By blocking cookies, you can still browse the site, but some of its features will not be available to you.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is information saved on your computer by the website you visit. Cookies usually save your preferences, settings for a website, such as your preferred language or address. Later, when you open the same web page again, the internet browser sends back the cookies belonging to that page. This allows the site to display information tailored to your needs.

Cookies cannot be assigned to a specific person and do not contain personal data.

Types of cookies on these websites

- Temporary cookies (Session cookies) - these are cookies that expire (and are automatically deleted) when you close the Internet browser. We use session cookies to enable access to content and enable commenting (things you have to do when you log in with your information on a website).

- Persistent cookies - they usually have an expiration date far in the future and will remain in your browser until they expire, or until you manually delete them. We use persistent cookies for functionality such as "Stay logged in", which makes it easier for users to access as a registered user. We also use persistent cookies to better understand user habits, so we can improve the website according to your habits. This information is anonymous - we do not see individual user data.

- Cookies for measuring attendance - these cookies are not set or created by our pages, but they are used for the normal functioning of the page and make it easier for users to access the content. IMPORTANT – these cookies do not process any personal data of the user. On the pages, we use the following permanent cookies:

- Google Analytics pixel

- Facebook pixel

These pixels (or cookies) do not process any personal data (demographic and similar), but only serve for timely and precise information depending on your interest, and to inform you about current special offers and promotions on other websites.

Through our cookie management system, you can disable cookies by simple selection, as well as see other temporary cookies or traffic measurement cookies that are being used.

How to disable cookies?

You can limit, block or delete cookies from this website at any time by changing your browser configuration via the steps below. Although the settings are different in each browser, cookies are usually configured in the "Personal Settings" or "Tools" menus. For further details on the configuration of cookies in your browser, please refer to the "Help" menu in the browser itself.

By turning off cookies, you decide whether to allow cookies to be stored on your computer. Cookie settings can be controlled and configured in your web browser. If you disable cookies, you will not be able to use some of the functionality on our websites.

In order to enable the best quality of service and proper operation of these websites, we recommend that you leave cookies on.


Does the company share data with third parties?

Protecting your privacy is important to us, so we will never share your personal information with third parties except for the purposes described in this Privacy and Security Statement.

The company cooperates with other companies. This means that we sometimes share your personal data, using secure IT systems. When we act in this way, the data is transferred to servers located in the EU or in a country that provides an adequate level of protection in accordance with EU legislation.

In addition to all of the above, we may provide your personal data to our trusted partners who maintain our IT system or provide services on behalf of the Company, for example, for the purposes of marketing, finance, advertising and other services within and outside the Company. These service providers are obliged, according to the relevant contracts, to use the data entrusted to them only in accordance with our guidelines and exclusively for the purpose that we have strictly determined. We also oblige them to adequately protect your data and to consider it a business secret.


Data collected about you by Google LLC

The Company uses services provided by Google LLC and its affiliates, including YouTube, Android, and services provided on third-party websites, such as advertising services (hereinafter: Google).

This Privacy and Security Statement does not apply to services that have separate privacy rules, however, in accordance with regulations related to the protection of personal data, the Company is obliged to inform its users about the data collected by Google LLC while providing its services to other legal entities and individuals.

Data collected by Google includes unique identifiers, browser type and settings, device type and settings, operating system, mobile network information including carrier name and phone number, and application version number.

In addition, Google collects data about the interaction of applications, browsers and devices with Google services, including IP address, crash reports, system activity, and the date, time and referral URL of the respondent's request.

Google collects data when a Google service on your device contacts Google servers - for example, when you install an app from the Play Store or when the service checks whether automatic updates are available. If you use an Android device with Google applications, your device periodically contacts Google servers to provide device information and connect to our services. This includes information such as device type, carrier name, crash reports and apps you have installed.



The company Loella d.o.o. reserves the right to amend and add to this Statement at any time, without giving any special notice to interested persons. For the stated reason, all interested persons and users are recommended to regularly check the content of this Statement in order to be informed about the updated content of the Privacy and Security Statement.